Contact Arriva Bus

Customer services


Calls cost 2,50p per minute plus your phone company’s Access Charge

Contact information for Arriva Bus Customer services with its free or geographic phone number. This information has been found through the company's General Terms & Conditions documentation or shared by our visitors : Please let us know by voting if the number works properly so that we can take a look if it doesn't and fix it !

Phone number : 0344 800 4411

The free alternative or geographic telephone number to call Arriva Bus is included on your calls if you ring from an inclusive landline call package and is also available when calling from abroad.


Calls cost 2,50p per minute plus your phone company’s Access Charge

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Were you able to contact Arriva Bus ?

Number's performance: 89.71% out of 100 based on 68 votes
On 17-12-2018, an answering machine said the number is not working anymore.
On 17-10-2018, an answering machine gived another customers service number.
On 08-10-2018, the number worked but nobody answered.
On 22-08-2018, the number worked but nobody answered.
On 23-03-2018, an answering machine gived another customers service number.

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01, 02 and 03 numbers are included in allowances else geographic rate. 080 numbers are free from landlines and mobiles., calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 call. share with its visitors non premium rate numbers for calling companies and their customer services for more than 5 years !